Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Automation of tasks. Consistency of generated code. Including automated generation of lineage and documentation. Maintainability of the 'code' base. Metadata as the start of everything. Good in metadata management and integration. Openness of repository data model. Plain SQL output. Possibility of migration to new targets. Integrated view of Warehouse development. Support for short cyclical work (Agile BI). Productivity gains. Database integrations /connectors. Extendability, easy to extend the product with your own written connectors, in almost any language. Wide and versatile out-of-the-box support for multiple data formats, also extensible. Version management (I like that it's there; I also think it can be simplified). Support is very good.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
Interface is a fat client with a large dependency on Windows. Deployment automation is very very good, but requires manual interaction. devOps deployment support is getting better in small steps only. Still needs considerable effort. Lineage stops at the warehouse, which also has to do with the limitations of opening up information due to license model. Support is very good, development tickets are open very long
Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?
It's expensive, but worth the money. It's also useful for smaller companies. Come and have a look.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
Very good