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Creating a Data Culture through Data Democratization

One of the most important questions when it comes to data democratization is: how can a positive data culture be created? At DATA festival in Munich 2022, four experts talked about “Creating a Data Culture through Data Democratization” and shared their opinions on this topic.


  • Dr. Carsten Bange | Founder and CEO | BARC


  • Divya Bokaria | Head of Data | Zattoo
  • Dr. Holger Kömm | Expert Associate Partner | Bain & Company
  • Augustin Dokoza Bukvic | Director Analytics Center of Excellence | Thrasio
  • Volker Ossendoth| Head of Data and Analytics | Douglas

“We need to implement a culture where we enable our people to work with data daily.” With this statement Augustin Dokoza Bukvic introduced himself at the panel “Creating a Data Culture through Data Democratization” at the DATA festival in Munich. Four data experts then discussed how a positive data culture can be created these days and how data democratization can support their goals.

Dr. Carsten Bange, one of the founders of the DATA festival and the presenter of this panel, invited Divya Bokaria, Head of Data at Zattoo, Dr. Holger Kömm, Expert Associate Partner at Bain & Company, Augustin Dokoza Bukvic, Director Analytics Center of Excellence at Thrasio and Volker Ossendoth, Head of Data and Analytics at Douglas to join him.

What does Data Democratization mean?

Behind the expression “Data Democratization” is the concept of making data available for everyone in the organization, which includes the non-technical people as well. The aim is to unlock the potential for any employee to produce local value with access to data.
Carsten has been dealing with this topic for a very long time and passes on exciting questions to his guests in this DATA festival panel.

Data Democratization is no longer nice to have

During these 30 minutes, it was clear to everyone that data democratization is no longer just nice to have. Instead, it is necessary for every company to focus on data-driven decisions.
Divya marked that companies need to train their employees in making a strategic decision based on data. In addition to that Volker added “you don’t need the technical
expertise right now. It’s more about the process expertise (…) to get a better understanding of what data means.”

Watch an excerpt of the panel here:


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